Hello everyone, I am your cat brother. With the market going like this, I haven’t had a good sleep for 3 days. The Ethereum assassin attacked me for 3 consecutive days. Every time I stayed up until 4 o’clock to see that he was fine, I went to bed, and when I woke up in the morning, I felt like the sky was falling. I didn’t get attacked today, so I feel better. The sorrow of those who love currency standard + long-term + heavy pattern.

This time the market is moving very slowly. In the past, the market would reverse very quickly, but this time it is different. It is falling with a sideways trend, with a rise and a fall. It is impossible to guess what the main force is trying to do. This kind of hesitant trend is really torturous. Wouldn’t it be better if the market could rise well and fall sharply...

It is really uncomfortable to suddenly change from the previous big opening and closing trend to such a slow trend. I can't let go of the long position, and I dare not let go of the short position. I am just being dragged by both sides. Before it moves out of the key pattern, I can't judge where it will go.

I don’t know how the big guys can firmly look in a certain direction. I am constantly reminding people of the risks based on the current trend pattern and the prompts from the naked K, but it seems that they don’t want to run it this way.

Let's take a look at $BTC first

Before it fell below 628 and was suppressed, the correction did not even begin. But this trend is not consolidation, which is really tormenting. It is so frustrating to keep going up and down here.

It looks more obvious on the daily chart. Before it breaks the trend line and is suppressed, it is a "new market". However, the direction of this market is temporarily unclear. The left foot steps on the right foot and the spiral rises to the sky, and it is not supported by the monthly line. What is going on? . .

Zoom in a little and see that before this position is broken, it is still a long position, and it is a long position without callback. . . . It can also run slowly in the triangle box above, which will be more slow.

At that time, I couldn't tell you to open a short position, let alone a long position. Sorry, there is really no way to infer the direction. If you really want to open a long position, you can only open a long position near this inclined trend line, and place the stop loss 200~300 points below the line. After all, the long position has not ended yet. If there is no short position above 640, it is not appropriate to enter the short position now.

Continue to watch $ETH

Ethereum and Sol are the source of all my pain recently. I have heavy positions in the two most abnormal ones among the four giants. It feels so sour... Looking at the 4-hour level, it touched the top once and closed. But the bull market is not over. It has gained support at 2610. Before 2610 is broken and suppressed, it cannot be assumed that the bull market is over. Therefore, you still cannot add positions to the short positions you are trapped in. You can reduce part of your positions when the price falls back. Continue to wait and see.

After Ethereum fell from 339x to 2100 last time, I felt that the main force had changed hands. The main force that changed hands later was very "evil". His "evil" was reflected in the fact that he did not really want to pull the market, but simply wanted to liquidate people. When it was pulled from 2100 to 2823 last time, almost all the teachers looked at 3000. The final result was that a large number of people were trapped in the 27xx~28xx range. If you have Ethereum that was trapped at 26xx and have been untied, remember to bring a capital protection loss, and the spot also needs a capital protection loss. He dared to fall from 2823 to 2150. If I want to believe that he is really going to rise again, at least after a big correction, he must be able to stand above 2300-2400 before I believe it.

At the daily level, Ethereum has been circling the middle track for 3 days. With yesterday's strong pull, it finally stood firm on the daily middle track. However, whether the support of 2610 can be supported multiple times remains to be seen. If it falls below 2591 again and is suppressed by 2591, then this rebound is over. The rest is to see where Ethereum can stand after the Bitcoin callback is in place.

Therefore, if you are short and trapped, you must not guess the top and add positions. There is no risk in being trapped with a light position. Continuously adding positions will magnify the risk. If the spread is small, you can wait patiently. If the spread is large, you can wait for it to move out of the key pattern or fall below the key position and be suppressed, and then add some. If the liquidation price is lower than 2750, reduce part of the position when it falls back, and do not add the reduced position. Wait until the callback is confirmed, and then add it back.

Continue watching $SOL

At the 4-hour level, a falling shape appears, but the bottom has not dropped. We need to pay attention to the price movement behind it. If it is always suppressed by the upper edge, a short-term general direction will be given by the 27th at the latest. During this period, if it breaks upward and does not break the trend line when it falls back, a new market can be opened. Otherwise, it can only be a rebound, fall, rebound again, and fall again.

At the daily level, 142 is a tested position, and there is another 139 below. If you want to bet on a short-term bullish trend, you can wait patiently to see if it returns to 142. If you want to bet on a short-term bearish trend, wait near 149.

I am not willing to do short-term trading. I hold the short position at 151.4. The short position has been on a roller coaster these days, and I have lost more than a dozen of my short positions. My short position is more to lock in long positions and to lock in the bottom chips. This is not a good operation method. Don't learn it. Don't do it this way.

I have calculated that if I did not have this pattern, the two waves at 163, plus this time at 120, plus the two times of shorting at 151 and 140, should have made a profit of 100+ sols by now. But now added up, the profit is less than 50 sols. So you see, actually there are serious flaws in my personality, emotions and operating methods. So sometimes I actually doubt whether I am suitable for playing spot trading, because the spot trading in my hand has become like this. If it is a U-based position, I will not care whether the chips are at the previous low or whether it is a pity to lose them.

Finally, let’s take a look at BNB

First look at the 4-hour chart, the W pattern has been formed. If the price continues to rise, there will be a correction and consolidation before it goes up again. At this time, the risk of going long is greater than going short. Short-term longs also need to wait for a pullback before entering.

The daily level has reached the top. Friends who have multiple orders and spot positions, don't be too optimistic, just stop when you are ahead. When Bitcoin rebounded, BNB also went to 596. At that time, it was said that it had risen too much. It is recommended to lock in short positions. If you have locked in positions, you don't have to bear the profit retracement of the decline to 470. The return of CZ is a good thing, but good things are good things. Fomo always has an end. Just don't be the last person to take over.

I can only say my own opinion, which is just a suggestion. Under normal circumstances, the price of BNB corresponds to a big cake of about 70,000 yuan. I don't believe you that it has not risen too much. I can't see it reaching 700 yuan for the time being. Maybe I don't know enough. The only suggestion I can give is to lock in a short position with a spot price of 1x to avoid a subsequent retracement. The purpose of shorting is not to make a lot of money, but to lock in the profit from the decline and prevent a retracement. That's all.

Written at the end

The market is changing rapidly, and as a retail investor, our cognition, ability, and speed of obtaining information cannot be compared with those of hot money groups or big investors. As a grassroots retail investor, in this market, survival takes precedence over how much money I can make by taking high risks.

When you see a market situation that you don't understand, the best option is to wait and see, rather than chasing after it based on fomo.

Before I see the turning point, I may update intermittently. I can use this time in between to complete the auxiliary tools that I haven't finished writing before.

I don’t have a team, just one person, and my energy and speed are limited, so let’s take it slow.