Let an 8-year-old girl know how to program!

"My 8-year-old daughter used Cursor to build a chatbot in 45 minutes." Cloudflare Deputy CEO Ricky Robinett shared.

In a video that went viral on the cognition.

Cursor is an artificial intelligence programming assistant developed by startup Anysphere. Although the AI ​​programming track is already crowded, Anysphere still received US$60 million (approximately NT$1.9 billion) in investment led by a16z and Thrive Capital in August. A A round of fundraising, OpenAI Startup Fund, Dropbox founder Arash Ferdowsi and other well-known figures in the technology industry also participated.

"Our mission is to create a magical tool that one day will write all the code in the world." Anysphere CEO Michael Truell said ambitiously.

The ambitions are ambitious, and Cusor’s current results prove that these are not just words.

From university dormitory to Open AI investment, Anysphere’s entrepreneurial journey

The seeds of Cursor were sown on November 18, 2015, when Microsoft launched the compiler "Visual Studio Code-OSS" (VS Code). This project quickly attracted widespread attention and became one of the most popular development tools in the world. .

Anysphere團隊 Anysphere team members: Michael Truell, Sualeh Asif, Arvid Lunnemark and Aman Sanger Medium official website

Four MIT students saw the opportunity to use artificial intelligence to change software development and formed Anysphere to participate in the project. Members include Michael Truell, Sualeh Asif, Arvid Lunnemark and Aman Sanger. They proposed the idea of ​​creating a "magic tool". I hope to redefine the way of writing programs.

From dormitories to obtaining seed round funding, Anysphere’s early journey can be said to be full of obstacles. It was not until 2021 that they received investment from Neo Scholars to continue research and development.

In 2022, Anysphere was officially established and successfully received a US$11 million (approximately NT$300 million) seed round of financing led by the OpenAI Startup Fund. Arash Ferdowsi, the founder of Dropbox, and other well-known figures in the technology industry also participated in this round of financing. This critical funding allowed the team to quickly develop prototypes and improve Cursor’s core features, including intelligent code completion, debugging assistance, and natural language commands, which set Cursor apart from the fierce market competition.

In 2023, Cursor was officially released, and developers were attracted by its AI capabilities, especially the ability to generate complete functions from simple English prompts. This feature means that the efficiency of writing programs can be greatly improved. Cursor’s rapid adoption and innovative features have also attracted the attention of technology venture capital investors.

In August 2024, Anysphere successfully received US$60 million (approximately NT$1.9 billion) in Series A funding led by a16z and Thrive Capital. The investor list includes Jeff Dean of Google, John Schulman and Noam Brown of OpenAI, and The founders of Stripe and GitHub, among others. The investment pushed the company's valuation to US$400 million (approximately NT$12.8 billion).

Cursor, a programming artifact: eliminating the "deadlock" of software development

“Little by little,” writes Anysphere, “the ‘hassle’ of building and changing software is being replaced by lightness and control.” Cursor’s promise is to eliminate the deadlock in software development by providing instant answers, Intelligent code rewriting and error detection simplify the process of writing programs, with the ultimate goal of changing the way software is written.

Cursor also allows developers to enter requirements directly into the chat box and have it automatically generate complete code. Cursor uses well-known AI models including GPT-4o, Claude3.5Sonnet and other well-known AI models, as well as the custom model Cursor-small, and supports the complete VS Code plug-in ecosystem, which can quickly complete simple tasks.

At first glance, Cursor AI’s capabilities appear to be achievable with tools like ChatGPT and Claude. However, the biggest advantage of Cursor AI is that it can run directly in Visual Studio Code, which is used by most software engineers. Different from tools such as GitHub Copilot, Cursor's interface is half used for writing programs and half is an AI chatbot, like an accompanying program assistant, which saves the time of communicating with AI across platforms.

Cursor AI’s goal is not to replace engineers’ jobs. The team stated that it hopes to automate tedious simple tasks through AI, allowing engineers to focus more on the creative work of developing high-level code.

Cursor Cursor official website

Since its launch in 2024, Cursor has attracted more than 30,000 loyal users. According to "Forbes" reports, top engineers from AI startups such as OpenAI, AI drawing tool Midjourney, and AI search engine Perplexity have also become one of Cursor AI's paying customers.

In terms of pricing, Cursor AI provides a two-week free trial, and paid memberships are divided into professional version (Pro) and business version (Business). The professional version includes unlimited editing suggestions, 500 fast AI conversations per month, unlimited slow AI conversations, unlimited use of Cursor-small, and 10 opportunities to use Claude Opus per day; the business version provides additional centralized calculations based on the above functions. Services such as fees, management dashboard, privacy mode and not allowing AI to store information.

Not just a plug-in or assistant, but a dedicated AI programming artifact

AI programming is very popular. For example, Microsoft's GitHub Copilot has gained millions of paying users. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella emphasized: "Copilot is already bigger than GitHub when Microsoft acquired it." Some reports estimate that when Microsoft acquired it, When GitHub was acquired for US$7.5 billion (approximately NT$240.7 billion), GitHub's revenue reached US$300 million (approximately NT$9.6 billion).

Anysphere Anysphere team members: Michael Truell, Sualeh Asif, Arvid Lunnemark and Aman Sanger Forbes official website

Despite the fierce competition, Anysphere believes that Cursor is differentiated from other AI coding tools, noting that Cursor is a dedicated AI-enhanced code editor, not just a plug-in or assistant, which enables it to compete with other AI coding tools in the field of AI programming. New startups and technology giants compete effectively.

Anysphere plans to use the recent funding to further improve Cursor’s AI capabilities, expand the team, and work to create a truly “AI native” programming environment. As Cursor continues to evolve, it is expected to play a key role in shaping the future of programming, making software development easier and more efficient for developers of all experience levels.

This article is compiled by AI and written/edited by You Haoqing. Reference materials: "maginative", "TechChrunch", "Medium", "Foresight", Anysphere

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