According to TechFlow, on September 24, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin shared a summary of the fireside chat at the Home Staking Summit in Singapore, discussing the actual value of independent stakers to the network and support measures for L1.

Vitalik emphasized that independent stakers are the "first line of defense" and "last line of defense" of the Ethereum network, providing censorship resistance and protecting the network.

He pointed out that independent stakers are not associated with large organizations and are difficult to capture or coerce by regulators, which enhances Ethereum's credible neutrality.

Vitalik discussed the possibility of increasing the consensus threshold (e.g. from 67% to 85%) to enhance network security, but also noted that this could bring new challenges.

He suggested reallocating resources to better defend against more serious attacks and stressed the importance of increasing the number of independent stakers.

Additionally, he explored possible steps that the Ethereum base layer (L1) could take to better support and encourage independent staking.