Kamala Harris publicly discusses crypto policy for the first time

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris promised to promote investment in the cryptocurrency industry at a fundraiser in New York City on September 22 as one of her latest strategies to attract voters. When she proposed the economic agenda, she expressed support for innovation in artificial intelligence (AI) and crypto technology, and emphasized that she would target regulation to protect consumers and investors. She mentioned that she plans to convene founders of small and medium-sized enterprises, innovators and large companies to promote the competitiveness of the United States.

This is the first time that Kamala Harris has publicly talked about the Democratic Party’s policy on cryptocurrencies. She will encourage AI and digital asset technology to be included in her economic policy, but emphasizes that the main focus is to protect consumers and investors. She is expected to launch a new set of economic policies this week, a move that seems to be different from the policies of the current President Biden, who has taken a tougher stance on the crypto industry, and the regulator SEC has filed multiple lawsuits against many crypto companies.

However, a policy adviser to Harris also said that although she hopes to promote the development of crypto assets, she is still concerned about strengthening supervision and industry protection. The overall tone is not much different from the Biden administration's current route, and is very different from her rival Trump's full support. Even if the Democrats are elected, the crackdown on the cryptocurrency industry may continue. Uniswap founder Hayden Adams pointed out that Biden is not friendly to cryptocurrencies, but Harris' positive statement is an improvement over the past. At present, this new information has not yet affected the market upward, but it is expected to offset the negative impact of Trump's continued decline in winning rate in the future.