The upcoming decade is poised to be the digital era for Sub-Saharan Africa. 

According to a new 2024 Google Report, for the first time, over half the population in Sub-Saharan Africa will have Internet access, and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and cloud computing will have the potential to significantly boost development. 


By 2026, Sub-Saharan Africa is set to pass an important milestone: for the first time, more than half the population will be online

— BitKE (@BitcoinKE) September 24, 2024

This is why in 2021, Google pledged $1 billion of investment in Africa to support a range of priorities, from improved connectivity to investment in startups over a five year period.

New modeling indicates that for every $1 invested in digital technology in Sub-Saharan Africa, over $2 in broader economic value will be generated by 2030. Google seeks to further unlock the digital economy through its investments, initiatives, and product innovations. 

To grasp the extent of this opportunity, here are some stats from the report:

  • Online adults in Sub-Saharan Africa identified Google Search as the most helpful innovation of the last few decades

  • 9 in 10 YouTube Creators agree that YouTube has given them a platform to share their creativity and culture with others – whilst also monetising their content.

  • A 1% increase in connectivity is associated with a 5.7% increase in GDP

  • A majority of Sub-Saharan Africans access the internet through a mobile device powered by Android.

  • 80% of young online adults said they had used Google Search in the last year to look for a new job

  • 91% had used Google Search to help with studying

  • 79% of online adults said they had used Google Search or Shopping in the last month to compare the prices of products or services

  • 74% of online adults said they had used Google Maps in the last month to find a local business

  • Online companies widely reported that online search, online maps, and paid search advertising were among the most effective ways that they connected with customers. On average, companies reported that around 10-20% of their new customers find them through Google Search

  • 77% of businesses agreed that online search engines have made it easier for global customers to find their business

  • Over half of online African companies said they expected to use AI to help them automate administrative tasks in the next few years

  • 94% of creators surveyed agreed that YouTube allows them to be creative with 91% saying it makes it easier to communicate to the world. 35% – over a third – estimate that a majority of their viewers are outside of Africa

Today, internet adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa resembles the levels seen in the US around the year 2000. Just as the early 2000s marked an internet boom in America, spurring new services and businesses, the coming decade could herald Africa’s true digital awakening.

This rise in internet adoption significantly impacts growth by boosting the productivity of existing companies and fostering the emergence of entirely new sectors. Over the past five years, key internet markets for Google in Africa, such as cloud services, digital advertising, and e-commerce, have more than doubled their revenue. According to research commissioned by Google and conducted by Accenture, by 2025, the internet could account for over 5% of the region’s GDP.

  • Two-thirds (65%) of online adults in Sub-Saharan Africa were optimistic about the impact technology will have in the next ten years 

  • 72% of online businesses strongly agreed that fast and reliable internet is essential to their business’ day-to-day operations

  • 78% of online adults strongly agreed that they wanted access to faster internet speeds. It is estimated that a 1% increase in connectivity is associated with a 5.7% increase in GDP

  • 67% of online adults in Sub-Saharan Africa strongly agreed that affordable smartphones and free internet services have ensured that people in their country can use the internet




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