Standing at the threshold of the bull market, it seems that I can hear the heartbeats of the leeks, both nervous and full of expectations.

Remember the haze of the bear market that year?

We are all waiting, waiting for that touch of green to illuminate the way forward. Now, the spring breeze has greened the south bank of the river again. It is time to let go of fear, embrace hope, and witness the blooming of wealth together.

BTC, ETH, and SOL have all adjusted to an upward trend. When will they rush? For those who take spot goods, in the next two months, they will advance all the way and wait for the money! Those who take contracts must be cautious!

"Sailing in the waves of the market, courage and wisdom are the rudder and sail." —— Unknown wise man

Standing on the crest of the bull market, I know that every step needs to be cautious. But as the wise man said, courage makes me set sail, and wisdom is the lighthouse that steers my helm.

In the days ahead, let us ride on our dreams, live up to our youth, and go to this feast of wealth. Don’t miss out on the super-large airdrops in the market. There are only four days left. If you are interested, you can read the pinned article. I believe you will have a good harvest.

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