BOSS Wallet data source, Ethereum ethereum latest price news, ETH Ethereum real-time price fell -1.09% to $2652.4, trading volume $14.072 billion

Based on the analysis of the candlestick chart, it is currently in an upward trend. It rose slightly compared to 17:00, fell slightly compared to 18:00, rebounded compared to 13:00, and fell compared to 15:00. The market is in an upward trend, and the trading volume has increased, indicating that the market is active.

William's indicator points out that there is no overbought or oversold state now. The trading volume has increased recently, and the trading volume has increased compared to the previous few hours. The price and trading volume have risen at the same time: the trading is active and the upward momentum is strong.

Although the market has fallen, the upward trend has not changed. It is recommended to continue to pay attention and buy on dips.

The above content is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice.