Overall, in today's air traffic, the long and short positions saw back and forth in the morning. After the long positions were under pressure, the short positions quickly exerted their strength, and the price ratio returned to the original point. Then the long positions again rushed up to the first line of 64745 under pressure. In the afternoon, the price ratio fluctuated downward. Before the trend was fully revealed, Jinhe gave a hint that the short-term market of big cake could be directly shorted, so it was reasonable to leave the market with strength in this downward trend. The air traffic in the afternoon was slow, but the direction did not change. It was not until the evening that the long positions gave a certain rebound, but the space was limited. This also indicated the weakness of the long positions, and at the same time confirmed that the current market could not rise or fall unilaterally, and would usually fluctuate repeatedly at key points.

From the current market, the market has risen strongly again recently, and the trend of exploring highs and falling back has become the norm. Big cake encountered resistance below 65000, and Ethereum was under pressure below the 2700 mark. Overall, the daily price ratio was running in the upward channel, the bullish trend was slightly changed, the price ratio showed signs of pressure, and the upper and lower shadows were almost equal in length, reflecting the fierce tug-of-war between long and short positions. Whether the middle track of the four-hour level can play a supporting role remains to be seen, and the strength of the short position is gradually increasing. The hourly line shows a situation of Yin enveloping Yang, and the short position occupies a dominant position. The technical indicators still show this. In the short cycle, the market maintains a volatile pattern. In the short term, we will treat it as a rebound short position. If the upper pressure level is effectively broken, the reverse direction can be considered.

Big cake 63600-63900 short, target around 62500

Ether daily high has been broken, and the bullish trend is more obvious. We can continue to see a wave of long continuation #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据 #币安上线CATI #加密市场反弹 #BNBChain与Telegram集成