Mars Dog #Marvin (ending with 7055) is on Binance News again. This is the third time on Binance News in just a few days😄

Recently, Musk's Mars concept has become popular, and as the authentic first Martian dog Marvin (ending with 7055), it has also attracted market attention. It has frequently landed on the hot list of the increase list, and has also attracted some people with ulterior motives to issue counterfeit coins. Therefore, you need to be cautious when buying. Look for the Ethereum chain, the contract ending with 7055, and the market value of about 2 million u is the authentic first Martian dog. This is a Martian dog with strong community support and promotion. The counterfeit ones are basically all capital letters, and the contract cannot guarantee safety, while the authentic ones are all lowercase except the first letter😄

#DODO助力Meme发行 #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据 #币安上线CATI