⚡️Cryptocurrency and Blockchain News!⚡️

- On the Polymarket platform, users are actively betting that former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison will avoid jail time. More than $153,670 has already been bet on this possibility!

- 45% of traders are confident that Ellison will not go to prison, thanks to her cooperation with the US authorities in the case against Sam Bankman-Fried.

- 24% predict that she could get up to two years, and 39% expect an 11-month term.

- Ellison's lawyers are pushing for probation, emphasizing her key role in the conviction of SBF.

- At the same time, Ryan Salameh, a former FTX top manager, criticizes Ellison for downplaying her role in the collapse of the company.

- Ellison's sentencing is scheduled for September 24, and she will be the first FTX executive to receive a verdict since SBF.

- SBF's lawyers have filed an appeal, claiming the judge was biased and demanding a new trial.

💬 Share your thoughts in the comments! Do you think Caroline Ellison will avoid jail?