There is a reason why leeks are called leeks

There is a reason why you can make a lot of money

In any industry, at any time, you should not complain about the injustice of the world. First of all, you should complain about yourself, why don’t you learn, why are you so impetuous? Find the root of your own problem.

Why did I fail? Why do my transactions always end in losses and liquidation? Combining many fans who come to me to tell me that they always lose money, I summarized that they all have a common problem, that is: laziness! I don’t like to learn, and always find various excuses for learning!

What I have always believed is: it is better to teach people how to fish than to give them fish! But? Many people always think that learning is troublesome, and they ask me directly, can I tell them directly what to buy to make money? Can I make a lot of money? Is the pace of society accelerating, or are we becoming very impetuous now?

In fact, we should reflect on a few questions of our own: Can I really eat this fish? The currency circle often gives you the wealth code and gives you entry. It is actually very simple, but what? The most important thing is the selling point. Those who can buy are apprentices, and those who can sell are real masters.

What should I do after I finish eating the fish I gave you? The wealth code I gave you can only make a short wave of money, or a band of money, all small money, but what? Can you make big money? Do you have enough knowledge?

Is the fish I gave you a fish? Or a fish bone? The psychology of leeks is: give a code, I will buy it and it will rise quickly. If there is a callback to wash the market, 90% of them will have ten thousand grass mud horses chasing you. If it is still falling after a few days of washing the market, he will think you are cheating him. As a result, he just sold it and it soared 40 points the next day! Do you think you are eating fish meat or fish bones?

In the currency circle, there is never a lack of opportunities. Even in a bear market, there will be several ten-fold coins in a year, and Bitcoin will have a rise of more than 30%. Needless to say, in a bull market, there will be many hundred-fold coins in each round.

Things are man-made, and the important thing is people, not things! Good people can do bad things well, but what about it? Unreliable people can ruin reliable things.

Keep a good attitude, in the end, you come in with a small bet for a big gain.

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