😱🔥What is the most trending project on Telegram, Yescoin?

What is #Yescoin?

Yescoin is a blockchain game on Telegram. To earn points, players swipe their phones to collect coins and participate in online community events. Once the project is complete, players will be able to convert these points into cryptocurrency.

What does Yescoin aim to achieve?

Yescoin aims to stand out from all other Telegram mini apps with its innovative design. Most Telegram apps are called tap games to earn points, where users tap a single button and automatically earn points. Yescoin aims to be more skill-based.

The Yescoin team decided to create a swiping game inspired by the classic Fruit Ninja game. Users have to move their fingers to pick up coins that drop at random points, so speed, hand-eye coordination, and strategy are important parts of success in the game. Yescoin hopes that this more active and dynamic approach will attract users.

Yescoin’s other goal is to promote blockchain usage. By building a Telegram game that runs on #TON, Yescoin plans to show off all the exciting ways blockchain technology can be used. It is designed to be as accessible as possible so that even those new to web3 can try it out. Ultimately, Yescoin hopes to introduce countless users to blockchain technology and show how profitable blockchain design can be.