In today's wave of globalization, the United States, as a world superpower, has often become the focus of heated discussion on social phenomena. On the one hand, we frequently hear news about zero-dollar shopping, frequent shootings, and social unrest in the United States; on the other hand, countless people have dreams and set foot on this land at all costs. Behind this, there is a little-known social reality hidden - a profound analysis of the "dual-track system" society in the United States.

Parallel lines between heaven and hell

‌Paradise for the Rich‌: In the United States, it seems that having money can really "do whatever you want". They live in heavily guarded luxury residential areas, enjoying all the luxurious services such as private security, exclusive medical care, top educational resources, etc. When the wildfires raged in Hawaii, the safety of the luxury residential areas was in sharp contrast to the devastation of the surrounding civilian areas. This is not only the isolation of physical space, but also a direct reflection of the gap between social classes. The safety net built by the rich through money allows them to rest assured in the face of disasters.

‌Hell for the Poor‌: Those who struggle at the bottom of society live in a life full of uncertainty and danger. Whether they are victims of shootings or helpless civilians in fires, they are often forgotten by society. In the Hawaii wildfires, ordinary people are desperately waiting for rescue, while the "show rescue" of animal protection organizations is a satire on the indifference of human nature. In this disaster, we see a cruel fact: in the United States, not all lives are treated equally.

The consequences of privatization: inequality in public services

‌Privatization of firefighting services‌: Firefighting services in the United States used to be free public welfare, but with the uneven economic development, this system has gradually collapsed. In many poor areas, firefighting services have begun to be charged, which has directly led to many families losing everything in fires because they cannot afford the annual fees. Even more ironic is that when a fire spreads, private firefighting teams often give priority to protecting luxury homes that have paid high fees, while ordinary people can only watch their homes turn to ashes.

‌Imbalance of police power‌: Although the privatization of the police is not as direct as the fire service, the huge difference in police resources between rich and poor areas is an indisputable fact. The rich can hire private bodyguards and detectives, while the public security in poor areas is getting worse and worse, and criminal activities are frequent. The efficient law enforcement of the police in rich areas and the passive response in poor areas have further exacerbated social injustice and division.