Chatgpt crypto solana ai

Responding to a specific request on the matter, ChatGPT’s AI highlighted some attributes that can make the crypto Solana (SOL) an interesting investment.

AI and crypto: the interesting characteristics of Solana (SOL) according to ChatGPT

The most interesting feature of the Solana crypto ecosystem, according to ChatGPT’s AI, is scalability.

Obviously the response of the bot does not come from accurate analysis made by its AI, but from the assembly of information it finds on the web about it. 

It states that the network is designed to handle thousands of transactions per second, which is much more than many other competing blockchains such as Ethereum.

It is precisely from the comparison with Ethereum that the potential of SOL as a medium/long-term investment emerges.

In fact, the second and third characteristics identified by ChatGPT on Solana also go in this direction: speed and low transaction costs.

However, these are things already widely known, so it is not particularly useful to have them told by an AI.

It is instead the other factors that are more interesting, precisely because they are not so widely and obviously known. 

The other features in evidence

Note that the first interesting feature of Solana identified by ChatGPT outside of those related to scalability is its community. 

The AI points out that Solana has an active community and a growing ecosystem, with many new projects developing on the platform. This is an important feature, especially at the financial level, because continuous innovation and the support of a large community can be indicators of a healthy and promising ecosystem.

To this is also added the fact that Solana has already recorded significant growth in the DeFi sector, and this could attract even more users and investors.

Other interesting features mentioned are the unique architecture, based on Proof of History (PoH) in combination with Proof of Stake (PoS), continuous development and updates, and adoptability in various sectors. 

However, it adds two more that are decidedly less obvious. 

The first is institutional support, as AI states that Solana has gained the attention of institutional investors and has received significant funding. 

The second is the tokenomics of SOL, because for example the rewards for the validators can influence its value. Its tokenomics model is considered well thought out, and this could make the token more attractive.

Not only AI and ChatGPT: Chagelly’s predictions on the price of the crypto SOL (Solana)

Given that AI is not capable of performing analysis, but only of assembling information gathered from the web, and considering that there are many and very different predictions circulating on the web, AI does not make predictions on cryptocurrency prices. 

However, other sources have published quite a few, such as Changelly.

It should be remembered, however, that Changelly’s projections have often not proven to be correct, also because they tend to be a bit too simplistic for a sector as dynamic and nervous as the crypto one. 

According to Changelly’s forecasts, the price of SOL could return to its all-time highs in May 2026.

Given that generally the large bull runs of the crypto market follow those of Bitcoin, and since that of Bitcoin usually starts after the American elections and ends within 12 months, it seems a bit unlikely that it will extend until 2026.

Indeed, if the all-time high of Solana’s price remains the $260 reached in November 2021, the fact that already in March of this year it managed to briefly climb back above $200 would suggest more of a bullrun next year, rather than the year after. 

In fact, there are even some who claim that $260 could be reached by the end of the year, especially since the current $140 is not that far off. 

The adoption of Solana (SOL) and the potential of DeFi

There is in particular a point that leans more towards a high potential already in the medium/short term for SOL. 

Often the market demand for altcoin comes from DeFi.

The TVL of Solana is now second only to that of Tron among the alternative chains to Ethereum, but while Ethereum is still very far away, Tron is not that distant. Furthermore, the TVL of Tron is given by USDT, and not by a wide use of its DeFi protocols. 

Solana has surpassed not only Arbitrum, from this point of view, but also BSC, which was the only chain that until a few years ago seemed capable of challenging even Ethereum itself. 

But what is most surprising is the growth of Solana’s TVL over time. 

At the peak of 2021, it had reached nearly 10 billion dollars, but during the subsequent bear-market, it had collapsed to only 200 million. 

With the awakening of the crypto markets in October of last year, however, it began a growth path thanks to which, compared to the lows of 2022, by the end of October 2023 it had already doubled, and by December it had already returned above one billion dollars. 

Subsequently, it rose to 4.8 billion in March of this year, but then it did not fall. On the contrary, in July it had risen even above 5.5 billion, and now it still appears to be above 5 billion. 

So on one hand it is continuing to grow, on the other it seems to still have ample potential to do so.