How to say?

Did Brother Bingzi reach the target position and start to pull back!

In fact, those who follow me can probably know that my direction accuracy is at least 80%.

This is the sixth sense advantage unique to women!

Of course, if it is purely the sixth sense, it must be a bit 🦐 nonsense🥚, but I still have my own accumulated trading experience and perception of the market.

And although I am not a very diligent blogger, my content is all original!

This time, the long order of Ethereum 2520 cost a total of 160 dollars, and I think I am still great!

Keep working hard to make money and run towards the direction of the rich woman~

#加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据