
This rebound can be said to be different from the previous ones. At least what we have seen in the past few days is a unilateral rise, which can be regarded as a bullish turn. However, the bullish turn cannot rise sharply every day. It will always stop and rest. Now the weekly line is ready to cross, and it is estimated that it will cross in October, but if it goes up too quickly, there may be a weekly divergence. The weekly divergence in 21 years has reached the peak. So don't let it go up too fast, and it can still fly higher. Looking at the narrow level, 65,000 is a previous high point, which may be under pressure. As long as there is no big correction to break 60,000, the pattern is still healthy and purely on the right side.

The exchange rate of the second cake continued to rebound and passed 0.04, but to be honest, it is still very uncomfortable to hold the second cake this time. After all, it has been swaying around 0.05 before. A 20% drop in the exchange rate is still very hurtful. That is, if the exchange rate is maintained, the second cake should be at least 3,000 now, but now it is only 2,600. At present, 2,850 is a relatively large pressure point.

SOL has lost the limelight to SUI this time, and has become worse, but SOL's development path is still good in the long run.

For copycats:

SUI's TVL rose sharply this weekend, increasing by nearly 30%. The public chain is really based on data valuation, but I think this time SUI's ecosystem has become active due to the increase in the price of the native token. People began to praise SUI as the killer of SOL. It is a saying that the butt determines the head. SUI is definitely technically good, but the overall ecological volume is an order of magnitude different from SOL, so its performance has not been truly verified.

The strong will always be strong. The strongest TAO and SUI have been in the limelight this time. I really didn't expect TAO to rise to 580 in an instant, directly returning to the level of March this year, and also led to the rise of the AI ​​sector. Last week, we asked everyone to actively deploy the AI ​​sector and it worked. Keep it up.

The MEME sector is changing from old to new. The new dog Neiro is really hot, with a market value of nearly 500 million, but it is still ten times or even more behind several top memes. The old dog shit combination now seems to have nothing to play with. Friends who are still holding on to the old dog should be clear-headed. There is no gain without sacrifice.

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