【Thoughts on playing tg games on telegram】I advise you not to play games on airplanes!

Recently I heard that many people have made hundreds of thousands or millions

Telegram ecosystem is very popular recently

Go in if there is any heat

Always listen to eat meat, don't listen to be beaten

It also reflects the nature of most Chinese people

Today I will say something I don't like to hear😂

①Always believe what KOL says, it's better to take a brain CT scan in the hospital

The hot spots recently are all tg game ecosystem

They can get traffic fans by posting articles, Guangzi and pulling people

Technical bloggers can get private domain conversion

What can you get?

Get a brain CT report and your empty wallet?

②What is the most important thing about playing tg games?

If you don't understand anti-blocking technology, don't know how to operate in batches,

There is no safe source of goods, etc.

Any problem in any link is anti-buying.

Can the small amount of melons and dates that retail investors get be called meat?

③Anti-blocking technology

Almost all scripts are promoting their own anti-blocking technology

Hundreds of U at a time

But is there really a 100% anti-blocking technology?

Isn’t anti-blocking related to your own behavior, environment and IP?

④Batch operation

Many bloggers say to use simulators and give tutorials to teach you how to use them

Is simulator really as stable as pushing it?

Once a serious project is tested, you will know what the architecture is.

The wool comes from the sheep.

Everyone is here to get the wool. If you are willing to spend some money to get a motherboard

or multiple mobile phones, the effect is much more stable than this.

⑤Stable and safe source of goods

At this time, the three-piece service provider will jump out

Say don't worry, I won't get it back

No one can say for sure in front of interests

And the cost of buying a plane is about 10

If there is a problem between ② and ③, you need to buy it again

It is better to add some money to go to Shanghai for physical sim at the beginning

⑥I advise novices not to get the plane

No money, no equipment, few accounts, just want to get 0

No basic operations

No time for lazy people

It is recommended to choose to be a security guard directly instead of wasting time

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