Trading does not need to be too frequent, as it is easy to lose the big picture while picking up sesame seeds.

The word "wait" is the key to trading. If the market falls, wait for the accelerated plunge, wait for the decline to stop, wait for the reversal after the decline stops, wait for entry after the reversal, wait for rebound after entry, wait for exhaustion after rebound, wait for callback after exhaustion, and wait for support after callback;

The trend will be pulled back and forth, and the price will fluctuate up and down. The big cycle contains the small cycle, the big cycle checks and balances the small cycle, and the small cycle can evolve into the big cycle; #币圈#

For example, many people think that this wave of rise is just a rebound, but have not considered the reversal.

Waiting for callbacks and trying to short in short positions are both unwise choices. If you understand the above sentences, you can actually trade independently.