Shocking exposure!

Argentine police thunderbolt operation

The Bitcoin mining machine smuggling empire collapsed overnight

Argentina strikes hard: Bitcoin mining machine smuggling gang destroyed

The Argentine police and the Coast Guard joined hands to stage a wonderful "Fox Hunting Operation", successfully dismantling a huge Bitcoin mining machine smuggling network!

🔥Argentine tax elites and naval security forces joined forces to carry out multiple rounds of raids and hit the key points!

🔍Two cities and six houses, raided like lightning, four people were arrested - two men and two women, and the smuggling chain was broken!

💰Hundreds of high-end mining artifacts entered the country illegally, the money laundering black hands were hidden, and the profits went to the dark.

🔒Argentina clearly stipulates that mining equipment imports must be licensed, violations must be investigated, and there is no way for smuggling!

📸The police revealed: Armed elements hid in clothing stores, small businesses covered up big crimes, and the "gold" hidden in the warehouse was finally exposed!

This case is not only a strong deterrent to the gray area of ​​Bitcoin, but also Argentina's firm determination to maintain economic order and combat crime!



