There have been nine increases in October in history. Will it increase this year?

Last week, BTC ETF continued the trend of net inflows except for Wednesday's net outflow. The overall situation is similar to last week, but the overall purchasing power has increased.

The total weekly net inflow reached US$397.1 million (a total of 6,578.89 BTC were added, while BlackRock only had a net inflow of 267.34 BTC on Monday in the past ten days, and maintained a position of 0 change for the rest of the time, while Fidelity has maintained a continuous net inflow recently.

In addition, MicroStrategy purchased 7,420 BTC at a price of approximately US$61,750 per Bitcoin, worth approximately US$458.2 million.

As of September 19, 2024, it has accumulated 252,220 BTC, worth approximately US$9.9 billion, and the purchase price of each Bitcoin is approximately US$39,266.

At present, many large-scale indicators show that the market has a trend of reversal, Ziming It is believed that as long as the US stock market does not fall behind, there may be a big market at the end of the year.

Bitcoin broke through $64,000 again this morning and retraced to the previous high area, and it is still on an upward trend.

And the old US Vice President Harris publicly pledged to support the crypto asset industry for the first time, which promoted the increase in trading volume and price increases.

Historical data shows that September is usually a month of decline. But if Bitcoin can close above the September high, then Ziming believes that it is expected to continue to rise in October. In the past 11 years, Bitcoin has risen in October 9 times. #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #BTC☀️ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH