#BTC 9/23 intraday thinking analysis:

Market review:

It has been fluctuating in the 62300-63500 range over the weekend, and it also gave the 62500-63300 range to sell high and buy low. The idea is not perfect, but there is also a good profit margin if it is executed according to the idea. It fell to the 62300 line at 6 o'clock this morning and began to rise. It rose to the highest level of 64000 and then began to fall to the 62500 line and then rose again to the 64800 position. It is also in line with our expectations to break through the range and go bullish. It's just that this wave of large retracements was a bit unprepared, but friends who are bullish at low levels feel a little roller coaster, and the ending is good. Pay attention to the 63500 support today, which is the price position of the daily opening. Relying on this position, continue to go bullish. Pay attention to the 65500 resistance level above. At present, the daily line has seven consecutive positives. Since it is strong, you can follow the trend to layout.

The big cake suggests a retracement to around 63600-700, with a target of 64500-65000, and a defense of 500 points.

The second cake suggests a retracement to around 2630-40, with a target of 2700-2750, and a defense below 2600. #ETH $BTC #加密市场反弹 #特朗普首次使用BTC