This week, 10 projects are unlocked. Among them, VENOM will unlock 25 million US dollars the day after tomorrow, which is a super large unlock. I observed the K-line of venom. Before this unlock, it had experienced a long-term decline of nearly 40. It is best not to touch it.

Then there are the more popular YGG and PORTAL. These two are the VC coins that everyone sneers at for cutting leeks, with low circulation and high market value.

The former's ygg is still a little active, and the project is really good. It should be the leader of Gamefi.

As for the latter's portal, don't say anything, just curse it directly. It is only a matter of time before another 0 is added, and it is easy to go short in the big cycle.

#DODO助力Meme发行 #BNBChain与Telegram集成 #币安上线CATI #加密市场反弹 #VC币割韭菜