Ray Dalio's question is worth pondering:

Personal property ownership is questioned: In his view, personal property ownership is sacred and inviolable, but this point has been questioned in China. This is related to investor confidence. Whether personal private property can be effectively and long-term protected is an important challenge in economic structural adjustment.

Getting rich is glorious: In the Xiaoping era, "It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat" and "getting rich first will lead to getting rich later". Such ideas are disappearing. People's concerns about the entrepreneurial environment and policy uncertainty have become stumbling blocks for entrepreneurship. Is the concept of "getting rich is glorious" still applicable?  

Technological innovation is guided by the government: > In the video, Dalio affirmed China's advantages in technological innovation, but he believes that it is not open enough. Most of them are guided by the government. In this case, he questioned whether the soil for corporate innovation and vitality is sustainable.

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