🔹The breakout in the diamond formation has come upwards. If technical analysis works, if there is no negative news that will disrupt the market globally, BTC's target seems to be $82,000. I think this will be the shortest term target. Don't think it's a bull target. It's not even half of my BTC target for the bull.

🔹According to the structure here, a small pullback seems likely to support the 60-61K band in BTC. I think there is a possibility of a reaction from there and an increase similar to the shape I drew.

🔹I think BTC is likely to pass ATH on October 5-7 of next month or even before. I shared an analysis that I examined from a different perspective calculated according to BTC's halving dates in the 12-year time frame. I hope it works. If it works, I will give away 1 week of VIP membership to everyone who follows us.