Cycle of Crypto Trader Emotions
In cryptocurrency, managing your emotions well can be the difference between making thousands and losing everything. Every trader goes through a
cycle of emotions, when everything is green and the market is in your favour
you’ll become elated and euphoric when it begins to drop anxiety and fear start
to take hold, culminating and intensifying as the price continues to fall until you
reach the and find anger and despair.
Where along this cycle would you sell? You might be thinking “just as anxiety and fear take hold after all, this would shield you from any large losses. In
reality that’s already far too late, it’s better to sell at peak happiness right when
your investments are hitting all-time highs.
A period of extreme growth is almost always followed by a dip which
would allow you to buy back in increasing your position size. Once you master
your emotions you can trade without bias, putting you on the path to becoming
a professional trader.