My first exposure to the concept of "modularity" in the cryptocurrency field came from the NULS project. However, it is worth noting that the modular concept advocated by NULS is different from the current popular concept in terms of role positioning. The current popular modularization often focuses on being a service provider, while the modular framework of NULS is more inclined to be a leader.

NULS greatly improves development efficiency, shortens project cycles, and effectively reduces development costs by providing various modular components required to build blockchains, thereby accelerating the implementation of blockchain applications. In terms of market performance, NULS's trend is also quite stable.

But in my opinion, the most striking thing about the project is its strong resilience. Over the years, the NULS team has been working quietly and continuously launching new progress and achievements, although sometimes these achievements may lag behind the market rhythm. I remember the last time I paid special attention to NULS was because of its efforts in expanding the second-layer network, when the project almost reached the threshold of B rating. I personally always have a high degree of recognition and favor for this type of project and style that requires continuous efforts and steady progress.