Why Hamster Kombat Will Not Turn You A Million in Dollars Overnight

Aside from the time, stress and my lack of interest, likely due to my crypto airdrops experience in 2018, I step out whenever everyone jumps into anything, but not without thorough analysis.

Based on #HamsterKombat 's large community, people will lose interest if the #Hamster price is too low. The huge size means your share will be cut since the total amount to be shared is fixed; thus, the more people who join the tapping (airdrop) the less you'll get.

Meanwhile, this won't affect Bitcoin's price or trust, as the market has existed and skyrocketed from $0.003 to $70,000 with venture capitals (VCs) involved, proving Bitcoin doesn't need individual validation or emotions. So, irrespective of what quantity you get and the #binancelauchpool price is, you getting discouraged concerns neither Bitcoin nor the market.

I've seen a maximum of 4,000 hamsters given away, suggesting a likely price range of $0.0001-$0.001 or, at most, $0.001-$0.01, when listed on $bnb #exchange.

While there is free money in crypto, consider your time, reality, and the essence of the opportunity to determine if it's worth pursuing. Never stop trying.

However, I don't have time for airdrops. Thinking that receiving 2,000 hamsters and expecting a listing price of $1,000, making you $2 million richer overnight, shows a lack of understanding. The expected listing price is within the range $0.000 to $0.01, meaning you 4000 hamster would yield maximum of $40. Meanwhile, if you could make it till the bull run, the story and the narrative of becoming a millionaire dollar may be realistic.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.











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No one said they will become rich with airdrops, it's just some small usable money for a little time spent on social media