#DiStrIbutIon ConCept of

Let ASSUME 30 million PeoPle were MINING... and they Reached A status of .. 1 mIllIon PpH....

30 million × by 1000 hmsTr.. that were Some YOUTUBERS and smart 😂😂😂CALCULATIONS ... were Assuming...

the answer is 30 billion hmstr.. will be distributed... EasiLy to the MINERS who have reAcHed... 1 million PPH.. statTus..

we are AssumIng that.. #hmstr was for charity puRpose...

30 % coins SuPpLy cannot be Distributed... for peOpLe who have jUst used theIr phones for monThs And DAyS..

🫴🫣 DO noT crtiziE me After thAt oOR #hmstr ... Just CalcuLate.... by YouR owN.. aNd conSider YouRselF.. as HmStr oWner.. you cannot eVen give much Of That.. AiR... DrOp....

* ONLY BLAME thoSe.. PEoPLe whO have... Put thinGs...like thAt....

we were GettIng.. Maybe 10 or 30 hamsters.... in ONE HoUR Pph...

# I have MINed too.. nd Was dishearted.. but i was in a WroNG concepT...

SO.. 🙃🙃 jUst ... reLaxed.. it is a BUSSINESS of brains....not.. chAriTy....

i hope the coNcepT.. is CleAr...