Current Layer 2 solutions do not fully provide the tools needed for ZK applications to scale and reach users. Since public VM, EVM blockchains, and zkEVMs do not provide the tools needed to easily build and deploy ZK applications, developers face issues such as high gas fees or poor performance.

$MANTA Pacific offers a Layer 2 platform specifically designed to address these shortcomings, allowing developers to build ZK applications using their existing knowledge.

How Does Manta Pacific Work?

Manta Pacific uses the data access layer of #Celestia and zkEVM technology to create a modular and scalable $ZK development environment. This approach offers the following benefits:

Low Gas Fees and High Scalability: Manta Pacific’s modular architecture provides high performance at low cost compared to other monolithic Layer 2 solutions. By leveraging Celestia’s data access layer, it significantly reduces transaction costs.

Developer Friendly and Application Independent: Universal Circuits 2.0 offers developers a unique experience to deploy EVM-compatible ZK applications. This makes it easy to integrate ZK-enabled contracts with Solidity smart contracts and allows developers to enable ZK features by writing just a few lines of code.

New ZK Use Cases and Real Users: Manta Pacific offers Universal Circuits for developers to add ZK features to existing Solidity smart contracts. This revolutionary approach creates unique value, especially for on-chain games, #DeFi and Web3 social applications.

Compliant and Secure Authentication: Manta Pacific’s zkSBTs enable users to perform their authentication processes securely and confidentially. These solutions allow users to perform secure verification without exposing their credentials.

Manta Information Crypto

Strengths and Improvements of Manta Network

One of Manta Pacific’s greatest strengths is that the scalability and low transaction fees offered by Celestia and zkEVM create an ideal environment for deploying ZK applications. While other Layer 2 solutions often fall short of providing the tools needed to support ZK features, Manta Pacific leverages existing knowledge to provide developers with fast, low-cost solutions.

Comparison to Other Tier 2 Solutions

  • Gas Fees: Manta Pacific offers lower gas fees using Celestia’s data access layer, while other Tier 2 solutions typically incur higher transaction costs.

  • Scalability: Thanks to Celestia’s modular data access system, Manta Pacific provides higher scalability than other Layer 2 solutions. TPS (Transactions Per Second): Manta Pacific offers performance optimized specifically for ZK applications.

It has a higher TPS (Transaction Per Second) value compared to other solutions.

User Activity: Manta Pacific aims to reach a wider user base through development tools optimized for ZK applications.

Manta Pacific is a platform specifically designed to meet the needs of the existing ZK ecosystem and differentiates itself from its competitors by offering a scalable, cost-effective and user-friendly environment for ZK applications.