Catizen đŸŸ and Hamster Kombat đŸč — two projects that initially seemed promising, have now shown their true colors by scamming the very communities that supported them. These projects have shown complete disrespect for their players, banning half of the users and leaving meager rewards** to the rest while they make billions behind the scenes. This is not only disappointing, but a blatant betrayal of the community's trust. 😡

Let's find out why these projects fail and why it's time to speak up.

What happened?

1. Unfair bans and disqualifications

Many players have reported being banned or kicked out of Hamster Kombat and Catizen without any valid reason. The criteria for the kicking out are unclear and it seems like they are kicking out participants to reduce their prize money**. This shady practice not only calls into question their transparency but also their commitment to fair play. Why are so many people being kicked out? What rules are they allegedly breaking? These are the questions the community is asking, yet the projects have yet to provide an explanation. ❌

2. Minimum reward for maximum effort

Those who aren't banned are given paltry rewards — often referred to as "pigeon feed." Players invest time, effort, and in many cases money, expecting a fair share of the rewards, but what do they get in return? Almost nothing. Meanwhile, developers are making billions of dollars, benefiting from a system designed to exploit rather than reward. 😡💾

3. No transparency, no accountability

Both Catizen and Hamster Kombat operate with little to no transparency. When players ask for details about their rewards, the project leaders have not provided clear answers. They have not addressed community concerns, leaving many feeling that they have become accustomed to lining the pockets of the people behind the projects. This lack of accountability is one of the most glaring issues. Where is the communication? Why are legitimate questions being ignored? đŸš«đŸ€”

4. False Promises of Part 2

Now, after all the betrayals in Season 1, these projects are coming back with promises of Season 2, claiming that there will be bigger rewards and better opportunities. But can we really trust them? After the way they treated the community in Season 1, what guarantee do we have that things will be different? Don't fall into the same trap twice. Catizen's promises of big airdrops and 19% bonuses in Season 2 are just tactics to get the community they betrayed back. 💔


Why boycott Catizen and Hamster Kombat?

1. They don't care about us

The actions of these projects show that they only care about their own profits. They have proven that they do not care about the community, even though they relied on us to build their projects in the first place. Why should we continue to support them when they do not give us anything in return?

2. Profit for them, bread crumbs for us

While we spend hours playing games, strategizing, and investing, they just sit back and rake in billions. It’s clear that they designed these games not to reward the community, but to profit from our efforts. We deserve better rewards for our time and effort. Enough!

3. The Power of Community

We, the community, are the backbone of these projects. Without us, they are nothing. It’s time to show them what happens when they disrespect the very people who make them successful. By boycotting their Season 2 and leaving their channels, we can show them the power of unity. Let’s hit them where they’re weak—their user base. If they don’t treat us with respect, they don’t deserve our involvement.


What can you do?

1. Boycott Part 2

Don't let them fool you again with promises of bigger airdrops and better rewards. If they fooled us once, they can do it again. Season 2 is just another trick to lure us back, but we won't fall for it. Let's be clear that we won't support projects that don't respect the community. đŸš«

2. Unfollow their channel

Let’s show them that we have the right to leave. Unfollow their social media, their Telegram groups, and their Discord channels. Let’s show them the impact of a united community. If they don’t communicate with us, if they don’t treat us fairly, then they don’t deserve us. Let them feel the consequences of betraying the community that once supported them.

3. Speak up

Spread the word! Let other players know what's going on. Share your experiences, post on social media, and encourage others to boycott these shady projects. We're stronger together. The more people know the truth, the less likely these developers are to scam others in the future. 🚹


Moving Forward: Focus on Better Projects

Don't waste your time on projects that have shown they are only in it for the money. The crypto world is full of better opportunities where developers truly care about their communities. Focus your time and energy on projects that are transparent, fair, and provide real value.

💡 Look for games and platforms that have a strong track record of fair play, strong community engagement, and transparent reward systems. There are plenty of projects that truly prioritize players and reward loyalty.

Conclusion: We Deserve Better

The Catizen and Hamster Kombat scams are a reminder of how some projects prioritize profits over people. But as a community, we have the power to hold them accountable. We will not stand by and allow ourselves to be disrespected, underpaid, and mistreated.

Speak up. Boycott Season 2. Unsubscribe from their channel. Speak out against their unfair practices. And most importantly, show them that without their community, they are nothing.

Together, we can send a clear message: we deserve respect, transparency, and real rewards — not empty promises and breadcrumbs. đŸ’„âœŠ

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