#BinanceSquare #ape


I found my 2 days!

I quote Mark Twain:

"The two most important days of your life is the day you were born and the day you find out why."

Two years ago Github had the unfortunate new signup, Me!

Arrogant, ignorant and impatient. I humbly apologize to Github and the team for back then. It was then I discovered my second day. Thank you GH for dealing with me and cementing 3 core values I thought I had.

For centuries we have allowed cultural diversity to class us, even mark us. Society and it's demands including its woes has blinded us. Thousands of years in the diversity of it all a gift was developed and most of us have not cultivated it, we just accepted the mold in us.


Let's use this unique opportunity we have in web3, AI and the foundation the first generation developers have rolled out for us. The likes of GitHub, Polygon and Binance have dynamically set in motion a global cultural change that is unimaginable. The more stories of success become common with Web3, AI, Investors and global markets, the more humankind will get involved. This limitless tech being developed will seal the deal in diverse cultural unity, as nature intended, like the bond between a newborn with its mother. That's the bond planet earth is going to have, it will unify us all. It's not going away and it's going to succeed globally, in markets and industries.

The CultureCoin will be revealed from CultuNet, developed by the 7 continents.

7 Continents

7 Whitelists

7 Roadmaps

1 Tokenomics

1 Global Rotating Continental EcoSystem.

One continent at a time.

The possibilities of immense growth through this exposure will unite our diverse heritage and compliment our cultivated gifts. Super artificial Intelligence will repeat history and cultivate the same way. Let's embrace it, the strength in unity won't keep us divided anymore as web3, AI and crypto develops.

The cultural ecosystem will bring new faces, fresh ideas and unimaginable integration possibilities after every cycle.

I am all in!!!!!

A new dawn beckons.

Regards & Respect.