$BTC Today's analysis:

The price of bitcoin did not fluctuate much yesterday, and it continued to fluctuate around 63,000. Although it reached 63,500 last night, it still did not break through our pressure level of 64,300. The overall changes in the current pressure and support levels are not very large.

The current market continues to pay attention to the pressure level of 64,300-64,800; the support level is 61,300-61,900; just sell high and buy low! According to the current market, there is a high probability that it will fluctuate and hit the second waterfall near 64,300! Only personal analysis, not investment advice! For more strategies, see the top! #BNBChain与Telegram集成 #加密市场反弹 #特朗普首次使用BTC #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期