Looking back on 2018, it was one of the most difficult years in my life. I was arrested and imprisoned for possessing a gun. I felt extremely heavy in my heart during the days in prison. However, in the detention center, I met a man who was also passionate about cryptocurrency. He was a smart and forward-looking person. At that time, the price of Bitcoin was less than 100,000 yuan per coin, but he had already hoarded hundreds of Bitcoins. We often discussed the future of digital currency in the small cell, imagining that one day we would be able to make a big splash.

However, his fate was no more fortunate than mine. He was sentenced to one and a half years in prison for introducing friends to buy and sell masks, which violated the law. As time went by, I gradually faded out of that circle full of temptations and risks. When I was released from prison, there were only about one million Dogecoins left in my phone. At that time, I had almost turned all my energy to rebuilding a new life.

In 2018, the Bitcoin market experienced an unprecedented turmoil. At the beginning of the year, the price of Bitcoin soared to a high of $16,448. However, with the fluctuation of market sentiment and changes in regulatory policies, this figure gradually fell back to a low of $3,742.70 by the end of the year. This year was full of challenges and uncertainties for countless investors.

Meanwhile, as another highly watched cryptocurrency, Dogecoin performed relatively steadily in 2018, with its highest price being only about $0.017. In 2020, the price of Dogecoin still did not see significant fluctuations, with the highest price hovering around $0.005. However, the gears of fate took a dramatic turn in 2021, with Dogecoin experiencing an explosive rise, with the highest price even reaching $0.73. If your friends held Dogecoin in 2020, then by 2021, its value will undoubtedly have achieved a qualitative leap.

Two years later, I finally regained my freedom and logged into the exchange where I once stored my Dogecoin with great expectations. However, what greeted me was bleak news - the exchange had run away and all my investment was gone. Thinking back to the choice and persistence I made, I couldn't help but feel full of regret and helplessness.

However, my friend had a turning point in his life after he was released from prison. With the bitcoins in his hands, his net worth soared in the bull market of cryptocurrencies and he became a legend in the circle. His success not only changed his fate, but also made his previous choice seem particularly ironic. Whenever I think of all this, I can't help but sigh that perhaps this is really the arrangement of fate, allowing us to perform our own stories on different tracks.

Now, looking back in the long river of time, that experience made me deeply realize the ruthlessness of the market and the tricks of fate. Although I missed the opportunity to make a fortune, it also made me cherish everything in front of me more and learn to find new hope in adversity. Perhaps, the road ahead is still full of unknowns. Although this article is edited, I believe that friends who read the top article will definitely gain something.