IOTX/USDT latest news
Current price overview:
Current price: 0.04459 USDT
Recent market performance highlights:
The highest price in 24 hours reached: 0.04490 USDT The lowest price in 24 hours reached: 0.03836 USDT The total transaction volume in 24 hours was: 143.26M IOTX, equivalent to a USDT value of approximately US$6.05 million
Market in-depth analysis:
Significant growth trend: IOTX showed strong upward momentum, increasing by +14.27% in 24 hours. The short-term moving average support is solid: the 7-day moving average (MA7) is located at 0.03701 USDT, providing strong support for the price. The 25-day moving average (MA25) is 0.03491 USDT, which also shows strong support. The 99-day moving average (MA99) is located at 0.03855 USDT, further consolidating the market’s long-term support foundation.