Let's analyze the potential increase of #HMSTR when the listing is carried out on September 26, 2024.

The total tokenomic supply is 100bn. Eligible players receive token allocations of #HamsterKombat 37% of all players and ineligible due to cheating amount to 63%.

Let's map the tokenomics allocation.

Supply 100bn

Community 60% for session 1

Additional Community 15% session 2.

Liquidity 4%

Team 8%

Marketing 4%

Binance launchpool 3%

Partnership 6%

1. Let's calculate the distributed eligible allocation

Unlock Community (60%-13%) x 100bn supply equals = 47bn hmstr

Vesting 13% x 100bn supply = 13bn

2. Let's calculate the non eligible allocation of players who do not meet the requirements to burn status

Burn (not eligible) 67% x 60bn community supply allocation = 40.2bn

3. Let's do a net supply allocation (eligible - not eligible) with the note that vesting becomes open to 47bn - 40.2bn to 6.8bn

4. Liquidity 4% = 4bn.

Price Potential with 6.8 recognized (eligible) as a traded hamster allocation can it reach 1 dollar? I think it is very realistic $1-$2 to reach a market cap of 12bn

Please correct me if I made a mistake in my calculations.

I said this is very potential when the stock exchange listing is running.