The DOGS token has seen an 8% drop over the past 24 hours due to a broader decline in cryptocurrencies associated with Telegram. DOGS, which is built on The Open Network (TON) blockchain, heavily relies on Telegram’s vast user base for its growth. Its current price stands at $0.0009218, while trading volume has fallen by 27.57% to $193 million, according to CoinMarketCap. The token's market cap is estimated at $476.34 million, placing it at rank 122. A critical event to monitor is the unlocking of 3.65 billion DOGS tokens on September 26th, which could push the price lower. Other Telegram-linked tokens, like Toncoin (TON) and Notcoin (NOT), have also dropped, with TON down 4.43%, trading at $5.51, despite remaining a top 10 cryptocurrency by market cap.

DODO: Your Gateway to Digital Assets

DODO is a decentralized exchange offering a user-friendly platform for trading, buying, and creating digital assets. Its advanced technology ensures fair pricing and robust liquidity for users.

Key Benefits:

For Traders: Competitive pricing with minimal slippage.

For Liquidity Providers: Reduced risk of impermanent loss.

For Creators: Easily launch your own tokens without needing technical skills.

DODO and the Rise of Meme Coins DODO’s one-click token issuance feature has made it a go-to platform for creating and trading meme coins. This easy accessibility is fueling growth in the meme coin sector, attracting many creators.

Key Features:

Simple Token Creation: Launch tokens with a single click.

Self-Initiated Mining: Earn rewards by drawing in liquidity.

Stable Pricing: Benefit from stable prices for BTCFi assets via the Pegged Pool.

Looking Ahead With its innovative features, strong investor backing, and low market cap, DODO is well-positioned for future growth. Upcoming developments like DODOchain and cross-chain trading are expected to solidify its position as a leader in decentralized finance.
