Ethereum has broken through 2600, have you got on board?

Ethereum started at 2250 on the 10th

It has been hyped up to over 2600 now.

Some people see it rising all the way but it is hard to get on board

Some people get on board when they see the signal 📶 from the chat room

Execution + strategy = yield space

Emphasizing N times, as long as the ethbtc exchange rate goes up by 0.04

Ethereum will become strong

It has rebounded sharply in the past week or so

At the same time, Ethereum is exerting its strength, which means that copycats also have opportunities!

Ambush a skyrocketing coin every day

When it comes to dodo, everyone can get on board at the appropriate position

For example, 0.13 0.12 for short-term

If dodo is long-term, you can get on board at 0.12-0.15

@DODO Learn more about dodo iron gate

How many strategy signals 📶 have you missed if you haven’t paid attention to me?

How much have those who haven't entered the Binance chat room missed?

The top pinned post has already mentioned how to enter the Binance chat room

Of course, the introduction is also a way to track signals📶

I wish you all a happy turnaround in this bull market!

#DODO助力Meme发行 #币安上线CATI #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #BNBChain与Telegram集成