I encountered a scammer🥹

👻It was an ordinary day, and I decided to invest in a new project that seemed promising. I found the seller in one of the crypto chats and agreed to buy.💸The seller seemed reliable: he had a good rating and many positive reviews. We agreed on the amount and the transfer method.

😈I sent the money, but after that the seller disappeared. His account was deleted, and I realized that I had become a victim of a scam.

🧷This experience taught me a few important things:

1. Check the reputation: Even if the seller has good reviews, always check their reputation on several platforms.

2. Use safe platforms: Only conduct transactions through verified and secure platforms that offer buyer protection.

3. Do not trust strangers: Be careful with people you do not know personally. Scammers can create fake accounts and reviews.

4. Make small transfers: If you are unsure about the seller, start with a small amount to minimize risks. This incident was a lesson for me, and now I am much more careful about any cryptocurrency transactions.