In 2020, I was a student and entered the market with 2,000 yuan. After the first month, I made nearly 1,000 yuan playing spot trading. Later, I heard from my friends that I could play with leverage. Fortunately, I made a small profit at the beginning, but the good times did not last long and I lost everything. I accidentally met a big guy who took me into the primary market. Fortunately, I made nearly 100,000 yuan in three months. Now I am also doing the primary market with my classmates, preparing to help them earn some living expenses. Well, it’s okay. I don’t pursue that much. I just follow the big guys and give them a little soup.

DODO is a coin he highly recommends, and there are also great benefits recently!

DODO X is a super aggregator dedicated to improving the decentralized trading experience, with powerful liquidity pools, mining mechanisms and token creation functions.

DODO provides diversified functions to meet user needs:

The core functions of the DODO platform include liquidity pool management, autonomous mining, crowdfunding pool building and one-click token creation. These functions help users trade efficiently and manage assets in a decentralized environment, and flexibly formulate investment strategies. DODO's liquidity pool provides dedicated management mechanisms for different asset types, such as the specially designed Pegged Pool, to ensure the efficiency and stability of liquidity.

Meme coins and one-click coin issuance will bring significant traffic:

With the rise of the Meme coin market, DODO's multi-chain one-click coin issuance function and the upcoming Meme platform are expected to attract more attention from developers and investors. The simplified token issuance process provided by DODO lowers the entry barrier.

DODO functions promote the development of BTCFi assets and Meme coins:

DODO's anchor pool, one-click coin issuance and autonomous mining functions provide strong support for the development of BTCFi assets and Meme coins. Users can not only ensure the liquidity of assets through the anchor pool, but also get more benefits through the autonomous mining mechanism.

Top institutional support and low market value bring huge imagination space to the market:

Compared with other decentralized trading platforms, DODO's market value is relatively low, but it is supported by top institutions such as Binance Labs and Pantera Capital. This gives DODO huge growth potential in the market, and it is expected to occupy a larger market share through technological innovation and traffic growth in the future.