The origin of greed, its first starting point is from pride and the free will of man. So what is Pride? Pride is always considering oneself the center, always asserting oneself as the truth, not knowing how to listen, not wanting to admit mistakes and change, always looking down on those around you... deeper in its true nature, it is the will to choose oneself to put oneself above the entire universe, wanting to be superior to the Infinite Creator, which is the Supreme God, omnipotent, omniscient and all-good. Right from the beginning, when mankind was given a free will to choose, it gave birth to pride, and from this pride came greed, and as a result, man wanted to eliminate the Infinite God and the desire to be the master of everything himself, it can be said that man himself wanted to become the Supreme Being. When people have severed their connection with God (lost God), fear begins to invade their hearts. Fear increases greed and desire in people to fill the infinite lack in their hearts. People no longer feel true satisfaction and after achieving a certain goal, they continue to set and immediately start a new goal and so on like a loop until death. Human greed is bottomless and cannot be measured because it is hidden silently in the heart and there is no unit of measurement in this world to measure human greed. Only God, who knows everything, knows how greedy a person is.“If anyone in this world says he is not greedy, then he is definitely very greedy” because he does not realize that greed is already present in his heart and when he does not realize it, of course he does not know how to restrain and set limits (cut off his own greed). He is greedy without knowing how greedy he is. “Whoever says he lives without ambition is definitely very ambitious” because he does not realize his own ambition but just follows his own hidden ego in his heart to move forward. Greed or ambition in humans has no end. So the question is “If we assume that human greed is infinite, then what can fill human greed?” The answer is “Only the Supreme God, the Infinite One, can truly satisfy and fill the bottomless greed of humans.” Having God as the Infinite One, human greed will be ended. Greed will be at rest, since when people lose God, their hearts become fearful and bottomless. So when something is lost, when it is found again, the consequences of the loss will end. Pride, greed, fear are like pipes that are connected through each other.

Greed is born of pride and ignorance is born of lack of knowledge (i.e. not knowing the TRUTH).

So if a person has real understanding of truth and reality then they will know how to control greed.