What is greed?

Greed is a wrong desire against conscience or insatiable desire (desire beyond the laws of the universe) only wanting to take all the benefits for oneself to possess and control, this shows personal selfishness and that is selfish love (only love for oneself), this selfish love harms and damages the surrounding relationships. The concept of greed from ancient times to the present is a negative thing to refer to the wrong desires or insatiable desires that go against human conscience, you cannot swap the concept and use the negative word greed for positive things because it sounds completely ridiculous and unreasonable.

For example:

1/ Negative “I have greed for power and domination”.

Positive “I have the greed to give up”. How does it sound instead of the word sacrifice?

2/ Negative “I have greed for wealth”.

Positive “I have a greedy heart to give away my wealth”. How does it sound instead of the word sacrifice?

3/ Negative "I have greed for food and enjoyment".

Positive “I have greed to fast and mortify myself”. How does it sound instead of sacrifice?

4/ Negative “I have lustful greed”.

Positive “I have greed to keep myself pure”. How does it sound instead of sacrifice?

Greed (negative) means taking possession for oneself, is selfishness, it is selfish love.

Sacrifice (positive) means giving up oneself for the sake of the surrounding relationships, that is true, generous, sincere love.

There is a saying:

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

“Giving is forever.”

"When we give, we will receive one day."

Did the truly genuine saints in human history have greed in their hearts from the time they were born until the time they died?

Certainly! But the difference is that they realize that greed exists in their hearts and they use their own free will to decide to set a prison for their greed (cut it off) which is to sacrifice themselves, give up their own ego and begin to search for the TRUTH and TRUTH to be free.