In response to the recent hacker attacks, WHYPAD officially released a reward notice, the details are as follows:

Dear WHYPAD community members, in response to a recent hacker attack on our platform, which resulted in the theft of some tokens during the collection, we have officially launched a bounty program to track and recover the stolen assets. We sincerely invite community members to actively participate and jointly maintain the security and interests of the platform.

Reward 1: Track and Freeze: We are offering up to 10,000 USDT rewards to individuals or teams that provide actionable intelligence to help track and freeze hacker funds.

Reward 2: White Hat Recovery: For white hat hackers who help us recover the stolen assets, the platform will provide 30% of the recovery amount as a reward.

Hacker information: The hacker attack occurred at 42448749, and its address is: 0xF8EBB12676331Fc0A1a4ef0AdC40d5bBF3443a46.

How to participate: Please provide relevant intelligence and support information through official channels. Any help you provide is crucial to protecting the security of the platform and recovering stolen assets.