1. The violent bull market is coming

Don't ask about the specific time, I just know it will come soon.

2. The total market value of altcoins continues to rise

This trend is irreversible.

3. The altcoin season will definitely come

Altcoins will not rise across the board, but the total market value will continue to grow and set new highs (ATH).

4. Now is a bull market, not a bear market

Don't worry about how much altcoins have fallen, altcoins are just air, Bitcoin is the key.

5. Outlook at the end of 2025

By the end of 2025, the total market value of altcoins/cryptocurrency markets will reach about 25%.

6. Altcoins will usher in a retaliatory rebound

FOMO sentiment will far exceed the beginning of 2024, and the opportunity cannot be missed.


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