cz is about to be released from prison, secondary benefits edu, hook are two educational concepts. Then there is the overall Binance series. Then there is the chain of Tugou, I want to play some Tugou. cz is released from prison, concept Tugou four has application empowerment, market value of 26 million, pool 1100+bnb.

Compared with this, there is also a small market value #Bin4nce, the advantage is that the market value is small, suitable for small bets and large multiples. The pool is large, 1000bnb pool, almost the same as the market value, and the risk of market crash is small. The price is at the historical bottom, and the multiple is expected to be large when it is hyped

0x0c27f037074178267d89f68ca32bc4ffd1901927 The price I just screenshot is also very appropriate... I chose a small fund and small market value.