Long-term view on CATI, will the interest rate cut cycle make it continue to appreciate?

Yesterday's article discussed the short-term trend of CATI, that is, shorting it after the heat subsided.

Next, let's talk about the medium- and long-term view on CATI.

First of all, I think there is a bubble in the market value of CATI. Before listing on Binance, through pre-market trading, economic model analysis and other means, its market value was estimated to be only tens of millions of US dollars, while the current market value of CATI exceeds 800 million US dollars. Popularity and heat are one of the reasons for the excessively high market value.

Secondly, as a bot and applet on Telegram, I think the subsequent value is limited, and the price may plummet once the heat is over.

In other words, it is better to buy ton than CATI.

Buying ton is equivalent to buying Telegram, while buying CATI is buying a robot on Telegram. If Telegram successfully popularizes a certain function in the future, it will increase the market value of ton. How many applications can a robot generate in the future?

Take banana as an example. It is also a robot on Telegram. After listing on Binance, it has fallen from 70 US dollars to 36 US dollars.

Therefore, the bubble of CATI is too large, the market value is too high, and the current circulation is only 30%. Subsequent token unlocking may also cause token depreciation. Therefore, it is recommended that CATI holders should consider the corresponding risks.