Most of the infrastructure coins in the currency circle will be gradually eliminated

1. Many infrastructures in the currency circle are essentially like opening casinos

and innovating rules in casinos. When the industry develops well, everyone will go to major casinos to gamble. However, as there are too many casinos and most people have never won once,

because there are shady hands in many casinos, many people gradually turn to fair and honest places where they can make money and safely exit the casino. That is, choose infrastructure with strong consensus and high security. Others will close down.

2. The future infrastructure of the currency circle must be based on rigid demand, essential innovation and security, otherwise it will not be possible. The times are progressing, and only new wine in new bottles can lead the market development.

3. The currency circle does not need too much infrastructure, many of which are redundant and will close down as the industry progresses. So don't expect many copycats to rise. , It can only get lower and lower. Eventually return to zero