Arthur Hayes's movement! 920,000 PENDLEs are deposited in Binance, and the layout of 3.2 million US dollars is quietly underway!

On September 21, monitoring data showed that BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes withdrew all 1.65 million PENDLEs from his main wallet, with a market value of up to 5.76 million US dollars. Among them, 920,000 PENDLEs, about 3.2 million US dollars, have been deposited in Binance. Such actions have undoubtedly attracted strong attention from the market, and every big move by Hayes seems to reveal certain signals.

Why do this? Hayes's movements usually hint at deep changes behind the market, especially his deposit of such a large amount of PENDLE to Binance, which may indicate future fluctuations in the price of the currency. Coupled with the impact of the recent macro environment, will PENDLE, as a potential currency in the DeFi field, usher in a breakthrough in the next market?

Operational advice: Seeing Hayes' big move, retail investors may also wish to pay attention to the short-term fluctuations of PENDLE. For investors with higher risk appetite, they can pay appropriate attention to the trading opportunities of this currency and make careful layouts. However, be sure to pay attention to position management and risk control, follow the pace of the market, and avoid chasing highs.

Finally a reminder! The big guys have already taken action, will you follow or wait and see? Trend opportunities are fleeting, and you can only regret it if you miss it! Follow Lao Lin, who will help you accurately grasp the market rhythm and help you win every step!

#币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #BNBChain与Telegram集成 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹 $PENDLE $CATI $ZRO