09/21 Market Review Market Sentiment: -54, Neutral


Yesterday's high: 64120

Midnight low: 62320

- Support level: 61290, 59630, 57570

- Pressure level: 63830, 64900, 66800

- 2-hour chart analysis: Yesterday's fluctuation was 1800 points, oversold area.

Intraday trend forecast:

1. Break through 63830, target 64900

2. Consolidate in the range of 61290-63830


Yesterday's low: 2516

This morning's high: 2587

- Support level: 2434, 2269

- Pressure level: 2569, 2775, 3045

- 1-hour chart analysis: Yesterday's increase was 71 points, and the ETH/BTC exchange rate was 0.04046.

Intraday trend forecast:

1. Break through 2569, target 2775

2. Consolidate in the range of 2433-2569

Additional observation:

- The US stock market will be closed today and tomorrow, and altcoins may have a chance to catch up, and the altcoin season may start.

Personal opinion: I think altcoins have a chance to rise.

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