The Bitcoin market share issue highlighted above represents the lows and highs of the bull market

Just now the news said

Bitcoin market share has risen 6% so far this year

Bitcoin market share has risen 6% so far this year. Ethereum has risen 0.2% so far this year, while Bitcoin has risen about 43% over the same period.

In addition, the total market value of stablecoins has increased its market share at the expense of Ethereum, from 7% to 10% of the total market value of BTC, ETH and stablecoins. USDT's market value hit a record high of $118 billion, which has been the main driving force for stablecoins to take market share from ETH in the past six months.

Then according to experience, when the share of Bitcoin is above 50%, it means the bull market has started.

Now the share of Bitcoin is 46%, which means the bull market is coming.

I hope it will be a little slower so that everyone can get on board and catch the highlight of this bull market.

After all, there were only two bull markets in the first three times.

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