Market makers and institutions are on holiday on weekends, and liquidity in the market is reduced. This is also the first weekend after the continuous rise after the interest rate cut. It is time to take a break. Although it has risen continuously, there is a blank in the market narrative. We still need to remain vigilant. It is easy to turn sharply to stop the decline here. Control the risk.

Let me explain the previous point again. Why do I think that the Bots on TG have no value from the beginning to the end? First of all, we must understand the problem of project listing. From this perspective, I will make a long story short today. The reason why these TG Bots can be listed is that they have a large number of Web2 users, which can bring users and money to the circle, but what does this have to do with us buying coins?

Listing means that all their users will be imported into the currency circle, so what is their value? What is left? Those VC projects at least have technology and products, and Bot is just one person, and all of them have been imported into the currency circle. What else is there?

So, if you have it, it is recommended to sell it, and if you don’t have it, it is recommended not to touch it.

In addition, regarding the listing of projects and the authenticity of TG bot users, you can pay attention to it. I will talk to you later about the macro level and how project parties, exchanges, institutional VCs, etc. view market issues from different perspectives.

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